Title I

What is Title I?

Title I is the largest federally-funded program in education.  Originating in 1963, Title I provides federal financial assistance to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students by providing supplemental services and resources to support them.   The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all students have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency with challenging academic standards and assessments.


The ultimate goal of Title I is to close the existing achievement gap between high-performing and historically low-performing students through extended learning time, a high-quality curriculum, and instruction by a highly-qualified staff. In the St. Marys Area School District, all the elementary schools and the middle school are Schoolwide Title I schools and all teachers are highly qualified.



What is a Schoolwide Title I Program?

Schools must meet certain requirements to be eligible for a Schoolwide Program.  


SMASD Schoolwide Title I Schools:

  • South St. Marys Street Elementary
  • Fox Township Elementary
  • St. Marys Area Middle School  


Schools operating a schoolwide program use Title I funds to provide all students with support and assistance.  The primary goal is to ensure that all students, particularly those who are struggling, demonstrate proficient and advanced levels of achievement on state academic achievement standards. 


  • Implement schoolwide reform strategies that are based on research, have been proven effective in improving student achievement, and address the needs of all children in the school in an integrated way. 
  • Use effective instructional strategies that increase the amount and quality of learning time.
  • Help provide an enriched PA Core standard-based curriculum.
  • Meet the educational needs of historically underserved populations, including economically disadvantaged students, minority students, and limited English proficient students.
  • Use highly qualified professional staff and provide professional development for teachers and other staff.
  • Implement strategies to increase parental involvement.
Title I - Parent Survey

South St. Marys Elementary, Fox Township Elementary, and the St. Marys Area Middle School operate Schoolwide Title I Programs. The focus of all Title I Programs is to help students meet academic achievement standards.  Parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning.  Parent input is essential in the planning and implementation of parent involvement and engagement activities at your child's school. The survey is confidential and will be used to assist the district with future planning for parental involvement activities.