Dickinson Center, Inc.
The following Dickinson Center, Inc. services are available to students within the St. Marys Area School District. Students enrolled are served during the school day within the academic year.
Student Assistance Program – Supportive Counseling
- All schools in Pennsylvania are required to have a Student Assistance Program or SAP.
- Each school’s SAP team is designed to identify barriers to learning and help students and families access school and community services.
- Dickinson Center Inc. provides SAP Mental Health Liaisons to all schools in Elk and Cameron counties.
- Any student can receive SAP services.
- Anyone can refer a student for SAP services.
- Referral reasons are any emotional burden that has the potential to affect a student’s learning and may include grief and loss, divorce/separation of parents, family relocation, peer relationship issues, school or extracurricular activity stress, or other emotional stressors.
- SAP liaisons work with students directly in the schools providing level-of-care assessments and supportive counseling as well as connections to other services.
- SAP services are provided at no cost to families.
- More information about SAP is available at pnsas.org.
- Sierra Himes, Program Director; 814-834-2602; [email protected]
The LIFE Program
- The LIFE or Living in Family Environment Program serves elementary-age students in Elk and Cameron counties.
- This program is provided at no cost.
- The LIFE Program is a goal-oriented, school-based preventative mental health program.
- Program facilitators are based directly within the schools and work with students, parents, and classroom teachers on the development of an individualized support plan.
- Goals may include coping with grief and loss, parent separation/divorce, etc., peer relationships, social skills, study skills, organization, self-esteem, anger management, self-esteem, problem-solving, and many more.
- Sierra Himes, Program Director; 814-834-2602; [email protected]
Outpatient Therapy – In School
- H.O.P.E – Helping our pupils succeed!
- Located in all public and parochial schools in Elk and Cameron counties.
- Includes individual, family, and/or group therapy
- Parent involvement is required with all intakes and treatment planning for students under age 14.
- Reasons for access may include concerns or symptoms of ADHD, peer and social issues, depression, anxiety, eating issues, adjustment, trauma, anger, aggression, suicidal and/or homicidal ideation, self-injury, etc.
- An intake assessment determines further treatment recommendations, such as frequency or recommendations for services, which may include a psychiatric evaluation or medication management services.
- Cost is covered by most insurances; co-pays and deductibles may apply. There are also options for self-pay.
- Emma Schatz, LCSW, Clinical Supervisor; 814-335-0334; [email protected]
Mental Health Specialist
- A Mental Health Specialist provides individual therapy.
- Reasons for access may include anxiety or depressive symptoms, difficulty with focus/concentration, frequent tardiness, trips to the nurse or school counselor, return from a higher level of care, ongoing mental health symptoms that are unable to be stabilized at a lower level of care.
- Situational counseling or evaluation may be considered for peer relational concerns impacting functioning, frequent discipline referrals, excessive anger, or difficulty controlling emotions impacting school performance.
- MHS services also include consultation with teachers, psycho-education for educational staff, participation in student-related meetings, etc.
- Cost for treatment is covered by most insurances; co-pays and deductibles may apply. There are also options for self-pay. Other services are covered by the district.
- To access service contact the school counselor or
- Emma Schatz, LCSW, Clinical Supervisor; 814-335-0334; [email protected]
Signs of Suicide Prevention Program
- Signs of Suicide® (SOS) Suicide Prevention Program is an evidence-based program targeting depression awareness and suicide prevention.
- The SOS Program includes: Signs of Self-Injury Program, Middle School Program, High School Program, and a 12th Grade 2nd Act Program
- SOS lessons are facilitated annually in all middle and high schools in Elk and Cameron counties.
- SOS teaches students the warning signs of depression and suicide and encourages help-seeking through the use of the ACT technique - Acknowledge the problem, respond with Care, Tell a trusted adult.
- The goal of the program is to facilitate an open discussion with students about mental health.
- The program includes a depression screening component.
- SOS is implemented in conjunction with the Student Assistance Program.
- www.sossignsofsuicide.org/parent
- Sierra Himes, Program Director; 814-834-2602; [email protected]
For a full list and descriptions of all children’s mental health services offered by Dickinson Center, Inc., please view our Children’s Services Guide.