Transition Services

Transition Book - A Resource Guide 2024-2025 is now available on the IU9 Website. 

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The books are on the right side of this page:

PaTTAN Secondary Transition Resources
First check out our new website: and it’s companion site for youth and families

Also, follow the PA Secondary Transition group as we share information and resources in our monthly PA Transition Tidbits Smore.
College Resources for Students with Special Needs
• Pennsylvania Secondary Transition Guide
• Transition Discoveries Guide
• National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities (NCPD-SD)
• National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (NSTTAC)
What is Community Based Instruction (CBI)?
Community Based Instruction (CBI) is a combination of strategies, curriculum and instructional methods that promote the teaching and use of academic and functional skills in the student’s natural environment.  
For more information:

Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) is committed to assisting individuals with disabilities find competitive integrated employment in the community.  OVR is looking for feedback to strengthen agency partnerships and enhance employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities in PA.   OVR is outreaching to individuals working in 14c facilities (sheltered employment/subminimum wage employment) and their support networks to learn more about how OVR can provide services effectively.  If you would like to provide feedback to us, we invite you to complete one of the surveys below: