McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
- School enrollment/placement
- Agency referrals
- Tracking/transferring school records
- Accessing educational programs and interventions
- Interagency problem-solving
- Relevant literature related to homelessness
- Increasing public awareness of homeless issues
- Free meals at school
- School transportation
- Consultative phone calls to answer school, agency, and shelter questions
SMASD Homeless Procedure Manual & Forms
American Rescue Plan-Homeless Children & Youth- PA Program Resources
- Family stress.
- Concerns about eviction and overall housing instability.
- Isolation and unsafe home environments.
- Access to mental health supports.
- Access to the internet, devices, and electricity.
- Access to transportation.
- Academic setbacks, lost instructional time, and lost credits.
- Decrease in educational opportunities.
The ARP Homeless Children and Youth Program will assist to improve these challenges faced by students and their families experiencing homelessness in Pennsylvania and support the goals and objectives of the Pennsylvania Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH) Program.
Finding Your Way in PA is a Pennsylvania-based mobile and desktop app designed to share services, resources, and information with young people and families, particularly those experiencing homelessness. While using the app, users can search for and request assistance with services and resources in their current location, local communities, and throughout PA to connect them with helpful support.
Additional Resources & Information
Early Childhood Resources
Low-Income Household Energy Assistance Program
The income limit for the program is 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Limit. For an individual, this is $20,385 and for a household of four, it is $39,750 gross income per year. Pennsylvanians do not need to know their own eligibility in order to apply for these programs. Those who applied and were denied previously but have experienced a change in circumstances can reapply.
There are three different ways to apply for LIHEAP, and you can apply in the way that best meets your needs:
- Apply online: Pennsylvanians can apply at
- Paper applications: Call the LIHEAP Helpline at 1-866-857-7095 to request a paper application. Paper applications can also be downloaded from the DHS LIHEAP web page.
- County Assistance Office (CAO) services are available if clients cannot access online services or need assistance that cannot be accessed through the COMPASS website.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid & Youth Homelessness